By Kate Allen
Looking for a cure for diabetes? If you are one of those who have exhausted all medical or pharmacological treatments, then herbal remedies may just be the solutions you are looking for. Diabetes consists of many different types. The most common of which are Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 is more like an autoimmune disease that affects the cells in the pancreas responsible for the production of Insulin. This organ has trouble creating insulin which is important in the processing of sugar and delivering it to the other cells to be converted into energy.
Type 2, on the other hand is able to produce this insulin but with greater difficulty. Type 2 is a more prevalent diseases affecting more than 90% of the patients. Genetics play an important role. People with this condition can transfer the disease to their offspring. It is not "contagious" in that sense but just hereditary.
Weight also contributes to the development of this condition. Obese people are more susceptible in developing this disease. Slim people can also have it too especially if they have inherited it from their parents. However, overweight people are a higher risk group.
Despite the advancement of medications and technology nowadays, the exact cure is yet to be found. However, there are medications that can help regulate blood sugar level to prevent damage and complications. Gadgets were invented to detect the level of blood sugar. The problem is, you have to bring it with you anytime, anywhere if you are wary of increasing blood sugar level.
For people suffering from type 1, there are medications that can help supply the person affected with insulin-mimetic components. This means there are properties in that medication that functions similarly to insulin. If you are suffering from these two types of diabetes, then here are 5 natural herbs you can try:
Indian Kino
This herb has been used for many centuries in India to treat this condition. What it does is it regenerates the core functions of the beta cells in the pancreas. It is so remarkable that prescription drugs could not even do this.
Blueberry Leaves
It contains myrtillin which is an anthocyanoside which benefits can last for many weeks. It also improves the integrity of the capillaries.
Asian Ginseng
The Chinese people use this to treat this condition. It can actually improve the production of insulin from the pancreas.
Ginkgo Biloba
This is effective in treating this condition. For people suffering at the early stages of this disease, this botanical cure is effective in suppressing the symptoms.
This powerful natural treatment reduces the possibility of complications such as retinopathy and cataract.
If you are looking for a naturally manufactured product that also functions as well as these herbs, you should use Insulate Plus.
Insulate Plus supports the body by maintaining the blood sugar level at its normal state. It also helps the pancreas so that it can function normally and produce insulin. It does not only maintain healthy levels of blood sugar but also normalizes cholesterol level and will then improve the health condition of the cardiovascular system.
This product makes use of ingredients such as Gymnema Sylvestre, Goat's Rue, Ginkgo Biloba, and Bilberry. Herbal cure for diabetes may not be the exact "cure" for this condition but when it comes to reducing the complications brought about by this disease, they are definitely helpful. Try using these and you will be pleased on how effective they are.